Inventors take heed and hear this:
“The smallest features of modern life are stealth inventions. Their ingenuity is quiet. Their advantages are imperceptible. But they are inventions.” –
Therefore, if curiosity killed the cat and ‘how the straw bent’ sounds like the prelude to a problem, then a quick search can save the day.
Yes, the next time the kids (or anyone) sticks straws up their noses tempting anyone to wonder “who in the heck invented straws?” (not to mention why anyone would stick a straw up their nose)

The First Bend Straw – US Patent 2,094,268
At least there’s this closure:
Meet Joseph Friedman, the man who made sipping simpler. (and probably never intended for his invention to wind up protruding from a nose)
Born October 9, 1900, Friedman would himself wind up with something: nine patents.
To his credit, the man had some great ideas, but, the one he was best known for turned an idea into a multi-million dollar business.
Armed with an education (optometry) and real estate skills, Friedman often moonlighted as an inventor: tinkering around with ideas to try and make things better. Continue reading “The Bend Straw Inventor” →