Question from Heidi T.:
Hello Invention Geek,
In what state have the most patents been issued?
Heidi T.

Category: Invention Geek Answers
Question from Amy K.:
Hello Invention Geek,
Can you trademark a color?
Amy K.
Continue reading “Invention Geek Question – Color Trademark?”
Question from Martha P.:
Hello Invention Geek,
Who patented the first corkscrew?
Martha P.
Question from John M.:
Hello Invention Geek,
Every time I am on the highway, I see a Yellow Freight truck. It has always bothered me that part of the truck and the logo are orange. Why is the Yellow logo orange?
John M.
Question from Jeremy B.:
Hello Invention Geek,
What are the real names of the men pictured on the Smith Brother’s cough drop logo?
Jeremy B.
Question from Warren C.:
Hello Invention Geek,
Is there a process similar to eminent domain that can be excercised by the government to take ownership of a patent or take away exclusive rights by the inventor if the invention is deemed either something valuable for public safety like smoke alarms or something as dangerous as the atomic bomb for example?
Warren C.
Question from Simon T.:
What is a poor man’s patent?
Simon T.
Question from E. Henderson.:
Hey Geek,
What is the instrument used for music in spooky movies that you play without actually touching?
E. Henderson
Question from Quinn R.:
Hello Geek,
Did Max Factor patent lipstick?
Question from Devin D.:
Hello Geek,
Is it true that Harley-Davidson has a trademark for the sound of its engine?